Category: FSF
Iskratel nettop
I purchased Iskratel Nettop 30 . It is a Slovene branded nettop computer. The price is 99 EUR without DVD unit and 114 EUR with the DVD unit, that attaches to the base unit. Installed with gNewSense 3 – fully free software distribution. Machine can boot from CD/DVD, Hard drive, USB or Network. It comes…
Libreink is a future project that will feature a fully free GNU/Linux distribution for eBook reading devices, using e-Paper and other high-latency, bi-stable screens. It will be based on LibreWRT and backported from the pre-existing open source project Openinkpot. Target devices with the proper platform are still being evaluated. The main goal will be to…
Replicant funding opened doors for further development
Replicant funding organised by the Free Software Foundation was a great success ! People donated over 20,000 USD over the past two months. The project didn’t expect that much money and it will greatly cover their needs, which include buying new devices and cover travel-related expenses, allowing developers to attend events such as FOSDEM. On…
Meeting Richard M. Stallman
I would like to share with you my experience meeting the most important person in the GNU/Linux community, Richard M. Stallman (RMS), the man who started the free software movement. It was on April 20th 2012, when Andraž announced on RIPE-64 Twitter blog, that RMS will attend the “Digitizing ideas and Common Knowledge” conference at the…
GNU 30th anniversary
The GNU project was started 30 years ago by Mr. Richard Matthew Stallman with it’s primary goal to distribute completely free (free as in freedom) software. It includes more than 80% of the code shared by todays popular systems often mistakenly called Linux (Linux is just a kernel, which was the missing part at that…
Fairphone – the new alternative
Fairphone is an alternative campaign to create a mobile phone with a fair share of payments to everyone involved in the project. It begins with the lowest process, with mineral digging workers in People’s republic of Congo and Zambia, where Fairphone will pay them 6 usd/day, which is more than 3 times the amount that other…
Donate to Replicant and support free software on mobile devices
The Replicant project is a fully free Android (replacement) distribution running on several mobile and tablet devices. It is sponsored from the Free Software Foundation which currently runs a fundraiser campaign to support this project. Donations to the fundraiser will enable developers to obtain new devices. Replicant is also looking for new developers to get involved…
Richard M. Stallman inducted into the 2013 Internet Hall of Fame
Free Software Foundation founder Richard M. Stallman today joins the ranks of notable individuals who have been inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame for their significant contributions to the advancement of the global Internet. Links to official articles: FSF official post Internet Hall of Fame offical post Congratulations !
Why is Free Software good for you
On my earlier blog post I wrote about the difference between proprietary and Free Software (free as in freedom, not free as a free beer) and use of proprietary software on (mobile) devices. Here I would like to expose more links for you to read regarding this topic : Richard M. Stallman’s article about “What…
Trisquel GNU/Linux on my laptop
I am proud that I am now using Trisquel GNU/Linux distribution for my daily work on a laptop. It is a distribution that is endorsed by the Free Software Foundation and it is based on Ubuntu, so if you already know Ubuntu and care for more freedom, you should consider using it, too. There is…