Replicant funding opened doors for further development

replicant_smallReplicant funding organised by the Free Software Foundation was a great success ! People donated over  20,000 USD over the past two months. The project didn’t expect that much money and it will greatly cover their needs, which include buying new devices and cover travel-related expenses, allowing developers to attend events such as FOSDEM. On a sad note, they are more and more looking for new developers to get involved in the project: both GNUtoo and PaulK are very busy and cannot contribute to the project as much as they’d like to, so things will keep moving a bit slowly, compared to what it used to be. There is also a new set of images ready, with additional support for 10 devices. Camera support was added to the Samsung Galaxy S3 and other smaller improvements were made as well. All the guides were rewritten to be device-specific and include clear and step-by-step instructions, which should make it easier for everyone to install Replicant on their device. Moreover, the newly-launched forums and their mailing list make it possible to get help from the community, about the installation or anything else you want to talk about ! Congratulations !



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