Month: October 2013
Libreink is a future project that will feature a fully free GNU/Linux distribution for eBook reading devices, using e-Paper and other high-latency, bi-stable screens. It will be based on LibreWRT and backported from the pre-existing open source project Openinkpot. Target devices with the proper platform are still being evaluated. The main goal will be to…
Replicant funding opened doors for further development
Replicant funding organised by the Free Software Foundation was a great success ! People donated over 20,000 USD over the past two months. The project didn’t expect that much money and it will greatly cover their needs, which include buying new devices and cover travel-related expenses, allowing developers to attend events such as FOSDEM. On…
Meeting Richard M. Stallman
I would like to share with you my experience meeting the most important person in the GNU/Linux community, Richard M. Stallman (RMS), the man who started the free software movement. It was on April 20th 2012, when Andraž announced on RIPE-64 Twitter blog, that RMS will attend the “Digitizing ideas and Common Knowledge” conference at the…
LXDE – Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment
I have been fond of lightweight window managers for some time. For a long time I’ve been using IceWM, but it has a trouble with the menu it didn’t want to generate new applications list at the time when they were installed, so I was seeking for a lightweight Desktop Environment instead and came accross LXDE.…