1000 HE points

Today I reached 1000 points on the IPv6 certification scheme, which positioned me on 39th place in IPv6 Hall of Fame. I still need to submit a series of ping6/traceroute6 results, to reach the final score, which is 1400. However all this data is trivial to the former IPv6 related topics, where you had to qualify with the right answers. I could gain additional 400 points in 80 days, since there is a maximum allowed score of 5 points per day.






3 responses to “1000 HE points”

  1. Mohammed A. Meabed Avatar
    Mohammed A. Meabed

    Congratz man 🙂 good job

  2. Jan Prunk Avatar

    Hi Mohammed,

    Thank you for reading my blog. I have checked your resume, you list lots of interesting skills. Are you still in the domain business ?


  3. Mohammed A. Meabed Avatar

    Yep 🙂 i’m still in pm me with your email and we talk
    Thank you

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